Saturday 19 November 2011

Robotic Telescope Network

A apple arrangement of automatic telescopes is to be developed as allotment of a European aborigine science activity that has just kicked off at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid's Facultad de Informática. The network, to which any aborigine will be able to affix and allotment ascertainment time, will action chargeless accessible admission via the Internet.

The European activity is alleged Gloria (GLObal Automatic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-Science). Gloria will be a apparatus for abecedarian astronomists to analysis astrochemistry either application automatic telescopes or analysing ample abstracts accessible in Gloria's or added organization's accessible databases. Gloria is a three-year activity with a account of 2.5 actor euros.
The European activity draws on the acquaintance of the Montegancedo Observatory, amid at the Facultad de Informática. The Montegancedo Anchor is the aboriginal chargeless accessible admission ample anchor in the world. The anchor is limited controlled application Ciclope Astro software, mantained by the UPM's Ciclope group. This software will be acclimated by the apple automatic telescope network.
Ciclope Astro provides a amount of accoutrement for active ample experiments, book architecture and limited telescope, camera and arch control. Any internaut can access the anchor from their home to acquaintance astrochemistry aboriginal hand.
Francisco Sánchez, Director of the Montegancedo Observatory, is the coordinator of this European activity with 13 ally from Russia, Chile, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain. The ally captivated a three-day affair endure anniversary at the Facultad de Informática to plan activity development.

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